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Data Privacy Policy


Tecno Paint is committed to the protection of personal data and for this reason, all personal information is treated and protected by Tecno Paint always in accordance with Law No. purpose of protecting the fundamental rights of freedom, intimacy, privacy and the free development of the personality of the natural person.

This document has the objective of registering the FREE, INFORMED AND UNEQUIVOC CONSENT, so that your personal data are processed for the sole and exclusive purpose of carrying out actions related to the receipt of resume, its evaluation and selection, and for eventual recruitment to participate in admission processes to compose the staff of Tecno Paint Tintas e Vernizes.

  About TechnoPaint

Tecno Paint, whose corporate name is HB Tintas e Vernizes LTDA, company registered under CNPJ 61.520.045/0001-81, headquartered at Avenida Alexandrina das Chagas Moreira, 540 – Distrito Industrial – Pindamonhangaba/SP – CEP 12.412-800 will process your personal data for the purposes described below.

For which purposes we will use your information:

We will only use your personal data to:

  • Acting, managing, monitoring and following up on recruitment and selection processes in which you are enrolled, participate or want to participate;

  • Identify, make available and forward any vacancies and job positions that may be of interest to you;

  • Sending an email or/and messages that are of interest to you about confirmation of participation in the selection process, scheduling of dates for tests and exams, as well as their conclusion.

  • We do this: (i) based on your consent, where necessary, which will be sent in the body of the email as a declaration of consent; (ii) to comply with legal or regulatory obligations to which we are subject, including compliance with national laws and regulations; (iii) to ensure your security and prevent fraud; (iv) to allow Tecno Paint to exercise its rights; and (v) to pursue our legitimate interests.

  • We will not use your personal data for purposes other than those explained in this Policy without first informing you and, if applicable, obtaining your consent.


What Personal Data will be processed?  

Tecno Paint respects your rights and, from now on, undertakes to use the information voluntarily provided by you considering the nature and purpose of sending your resume as described in this Privacy Policy in accordance with applicable legislation.


  • Full name, photograph, date of birth, age, gender, contact telephone number, profession, marital status, e-mail, home address, neighborhood, location and zip code;

  • Education level, educational institution, courses, course start and completion date (or estimated), professional experience, languages, qualifications, competencies, skills, extracurricular activities and username on social networks (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Skype), remuneration received and salary expectations; 

  • Nationality, birthplace, country, state and city of birth;

  • Declaration of ethnic origin and declaration of a person with a disability; that it will be collected and processed solely for the purposes of diversity and inclusion programs;

  • Results of tests and tests, both of foreign language, logical reasoning and of specific knowledge; behavioral and personality profile test results; designed to assess their knowledge, skills and abilities;


Tecno Paint does not collect sensitive information, such as information regarding your health, philosophical or political beliefs, party or trade union affiliation, religion, sex life, etc. However, if Tecno Paint collects/accesses information and data related to the aforementioned (sensitive data), mainly with the aim of promoting diversity and inclusion of people or due to legal/regulatory obligations, we will proceed with such collection, storage, treatment and use in a legal and legitimate manner, in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable legislation.

The above information will be provided directly by you, by submitting your resume and participating in selection and recruitment processes.


How will my information be used and protected?  

We have internal policies and procedures that determine how your personal information should be treated by Tecno Paint. These internal rules aim to ensure the proper treatment and in accordance with the legislation of personal data.

In this context, we adopt technical measures capable of keeping your personal data safe and protected from unauthorized access and from accidental or illegal situations or any other form of inappropriate treatment, always in compliance with applicable data protection and information security legislation.


How long will my information be kept by Tecno Paint?

Tecno Paint will keep your CV stored in its database for a period of 01 year (one year).

After the period of 01 year (one year) of sending the Consent Term, in case of non-contracting (of the holder of the personal data), or even in the case of revocation of the Consent Term, the processing of personal data must be terminated. carried out by Tecno Paint, at which time they will be deleted in their entirety from its database, except in cases where due to legal and regulatory obligations, and/or in the cases provided for in Art. 7 of Law No. 13.709/18, Tecno Paint shall keep them for carrying out all actions related to the treatment after its termination.

In the case of contracting, the personal data collected and processed will be kept under the control of Tecno Paint, at which time, if necessary, a new consent will be requested for specific purposes arising from the contracting phase.

We emphasize that if you wish to edit and/or delete them, you must send an email to requesting the update/correction or deletion of your data.

When possible, we will use technical means to prevent the direct or indirect association between the information we store about you, such as data anonymization measures. If this is not possible (for example, if your data is in our backup), we ensure that your personal data will be stored securely, and isolated from any further processing activity until it can be disposed of.


Will my information be shared?

We may share your personal information with:

  • The Employment Agencies that provide services when the vacancy is in an agency to operationalize and improve our activities through the outsourcing of some activities. 

These service providers are subject and subject to rules, obligations and duties of confidentiality, secrecy and protection of their data and information, consistent with the provisions of this Policy, without prejudice to any other applicable legislation, due to their location. .


What are my rights?  

You can, at any time, request:

  1. Information about confirmation of the existence of processing of your data;

  2. Access to your personal data;

  3. Rectifications of your personal information;

  4. Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;

  5. Anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive or treated data in violation of the LGPD;

  6. Deletion of data processed with your consent;

  7. Obtaining information about the public or private entities with which Tecno Paint has shared its data;

  8. Information about the possibility of you not providing your consent, as well as being informed about the consequences in case of refusal.

  9. Revocation of your consent.


We will handle your request with special care to ensure that your rights are effective. We may ask for proof of identity to ensure that we are not sharing your personal data with anyone other than you. 

You should be aware that your request may be legally rejected, either for formal reasons (such as your inability to prove your identity) or legal reasons (such as the request for data deletion whose maintenance is free to exercise the right by Tecno Paint ), being certain that, in the event of impossibility of meeting these requests, Tecno Paint will present the reasonable justifications.

In any case, within one month of your request (with the exception of shorter deadlines stipulated by law/regulation), we will inform you of the measures taken.

You retain the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority.

To exercise your rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer at .


Can I withdraw my consent later?

You can withdraw your consent (for treatments arising from your consent) at any time. However, you must understand that this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal, nor the further processing of the same data under another legal basis, such as for the performance of a contract or compliance with a legal obligation to which Tecno Paint is subject.

If you wish to withdraw your consent, you can send your request via email. .

Can I object to the use of my information?

If you notice any non-compliance with the LGPD by Tecno Paint, you can also object to the processing of your personal data at any time by contacting .

I still have doubts...

If you have any questions about this Notice or any questions related to privacy, as well as if you want to exercise any of your rights, please contact us through the channel: .

Tecno Paint reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, change, add or remove parts of this Policy at any time.


This Privacy Policy was updated on April 28, 2021.

Digital Printing Inks

R. Echapora, 244

Satellite Industrial City of São Paulo, Guarulhos - SP, 07224-090

Phone: +55 (11) 2085-4876

Whatsapp +55 (11) 96846-8497

Tecno Paint Paints and Varnishes Factory

Av. Alexandrina das Chagas Moreira, 540
Industrial District - Pindamonhangaba
São Paulo - CEP: 12412-800

Phone: +55 (12) 3644-1550
Whatsapp +55 (12) 99727-4968

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